You may not be aware of what float clinics in Corona can do for your health protocol and the road to wellness or even what they are. A float clinic uses a sensory deprivation flotation tank to help your body reduce the stress of the day and get back in alignment and normalcy. Too often the busy life we lead is plagued with stressors, some of which are easy to recognize, while others are more hidden. Noise combined with visual input and even tactile stressors can create sensory overload and lead to “dis-ease.”
Whether you’re constantly in front of the television, driving through a busy shopping area or working at the computer, there are many visual stressors that bombard your senses. It’s easy to recognize the auditory ones, since there’s so much written about noise pollution. The hum of the refrigerator may seem insignificant, but combine that with the television blaring or the last computer video and you have, in the making, stress. If you’ve ever felt your blood pressure raise trying to make it through a crowded room to the other side, you understand tactile overload.
A float tank is simple. It contains water heated to body temperature with enough Epsom salt added to it enabling your body to remain effortlessly buoyant, keeping you afloat. The tank has dim lights you control and an absence of sound. When you’re ready for the full effect, you turn out the lights and just exist without all the distractions caused by sensory stimulation. Its quiet, dark and sensory reducing environment will leave you feeling like you’re floating in space.
Not only do you get stress relief, you also give your body a rest from the gravitational pull. There are no pressure points or the gravitational tug you get on muscles and joints when you stand. That’s one reason people who are in pain find such relief using the float tank. It gives the body a chance to heal itself and lets the muscles relax and unwind.